Ameen Qudir

2019-03-25 20:09:22 BdST

Why you may choose nursing as a Profession?


Professor Dr. Subhagata Choudhury

Why you may choose nursing as a Profession?
1.Nurses make a real difference
2.Nursing degree programs exist everywhere
3.Nurses can pursue their education online
4.Many nursing students find financial opportunities
5.The Nursing profession boast of high level of Job satisfaction
6.Nurses get to do exciting work
7.Nurses receive respect
8.Nurses can choose their own speciality
9.Nurses work in a stable Industry
10.Nurses can advance in their careers
11.Nurses work with people
12.Nurses work in a flexible schedule
13.Nurses never stop learning
14.Nurses gain a competitive salary
15.Nurses can work in a variety of different environments
16.Nurses can use their vital skill outside of work
17.Nurses build relationships
18.Nurses can switch job relatively easily
19.Nurses can use their expertise to begin a new career
20.Nurses care

Professor Dr. Subhagata Choudhury

Prominent Writer, physician of the subcontinent

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