Ameen Qudir

2019-03-12 07:27:19 BdST

Check the medicine with the prescription please....


Professor Dr. Subhagata Choudhury

Unless and until you check the medicines whether the pharmacy has given you the exact ones as per the prescription there may be great disaster even leading to a patient's death , it is safer to buy medicine from a model pharmacy always as they are restricted to serve wrong medicine by law or where there is a qualified pharmacist as the spoken words in this country is always different than the real world ,very difficult to trust anybody .So until the prescription is served without a money receipt with the proper signature there may not have any proof where from the medicine is brought and bought and who served it, there is always hidden unqualified persons in many locations serving who could not be identified and even if you give a good counselling or very great incentive, or by raising very high salary this will be rather counterproductive as this honest incentive may backfire and raise the cost of living for common people , honesty here will still be very rare, exemplary punishment and strict rule of law is probably maybe an answer, another problem is this a doctor may be blamed for giving wrong prescription or as a bad doctor/ or non compliance or a treatment failure. This will be a patients responsibility to check the medicine with the prescription or with a pharmacist or to refuse to buy medicine without the proper receipt.

Professor Dr. Subhagata Choudhury

Prominent Writer, physician of the subcontinent

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