Ameen Qudir

2019-02-23 21:20:05 BdST

The standard and quality of the existing medical colleges need to be raised



Professor Dr. Subhagata Choudhury



Instead of increasing the number of medical colleges , The standard and quality of the existing medical colleges need to be raised, this is the next challenge to have good quality graduate doctors . So the plan of increasing the number of colleges and Universities in medical science if there be any must be abandoned or we shall have to face the worst effect of poor quality doctors and as a result the public sufferings.
Structural development has little value in Education , functional aspect is more important , there are many big operations which have been done in tents.
Again if A medical college do not have adequate number of qualified teachers and a hospital with good number of patients where the students can work and learn do you think this college should be allowed to continue? Is it possible to provide such facilities if we increase the number of medical colleges where many of the existing ones are not of adequate standard?so by producing poor quality and ill skilled doctors we shall be doing harm to people at large.

In Developed countries any sub standard Institutions are closed and no political barrier can prevent it.
I wish the new generation politicians in the office will concentrate more on the standard and quality rather than cheap popularity as they have come to bring a change in the country as we understood.

Any body has negative and positive aspects but telling only the negative and omitting the positive makes a person discouraged and to discontinue from anything this is known to our intellectuals and teachers of institutions they are always looking after the negative thing of anything the media also has the same tendency, their plea is people love negative , then people love unhealthy food will we propose it ?students like break in school schedule will you do that ?, people love bad sexy film will we do that too? People love books on this type of topic will we do that?/
so this is one of the causes of moral degradation many of the students I know leave the country for negative bullying and words of their teacher and being disgruntled they go abroad and they are doing excellent performances abroad . our teaching learning has many defects which our think tanks probably are aware but they ignore I do not why. That is the reason why our students go to coaching classes as many of our teachers took it as a side profession not as aptitude and the students find the coach in the coaching classes more student friendly while bullied after the teachers in the school and observing loss of integrity they don have confidence in them and they find the learning environment more conducive to them than the school.The institutions where teachers themselves are also politicians except some exceptions , the situation is further grim.
In any country of the world education has the highest priority the exception is in here I do not know why?I had education both in the country and abroad, worked also abroad, I could easily stay back but I came back to my country as i Love my country but I am so sad after the sad plight of our intellectuals and at my old age still I try in social media to influence the young generation if they can change the trend prevailing in the country otherwise I would not be so active now in Fb
I am off work and job , spending life at home as I am ill but I feel I should try last of all with our new generation, they seem to be the travellers of light and and they will have to change which our politicians and elders perhaps could not.



It is a tradition which is continuing since British rule that the attendance is more important that the output of your work
Now a days also People watch whether you are in your chair not the work you are doing , presence is all that is enough not the accomplishments so this has not changed.British raj created the post of clerks to rule us and we continue to nourish this post and we are yet to get out of this mentality.


Professor Dr. Subhagata Choudhury

Prominent Writer, physician of the subcontinent

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