Ameen Qudir

2019-01-07 01:10:03 BdST

appealAn appeal from Dr. Subhagata Choudhury


I emphasized earlier several times that in many countries of the world patients doctor relationship and communication are included in the core curriculum in graduate medical education.but unfortunately this is is not included in our curriculum, even if there is mention this is not effectively practiced. I don't know why? instead the curriculum is so content oriented and very less clinically oriented in basic subjects. The clinical subjects also i not modified in the way it should be in the national and world context.There is no law and regulation to protect patient right and neither doctors right , practice , code of practice , protection against malpractice and even this is there, it is not taught in the course curriculum of 4th and 5th yr students and young doctors. . The very purpose of making need based doctor is not served and in the present set up of huge number of medical colleges there is a probable danger of ,doctors being made less skilled , less efficient in behaviour and affective domain as the colleges are announced without considering logistics, and qualified good teachers Another thing is no retired good and efficient teachers are used in the core teaching program or as Adviser in Medical colleges particularly in Govt institutions, Private medical colleges are using but this is not always done efficiently .


THere is a misconception in the country a good , palatial building means a good Institution which is so wrong.. Our practice is unless there is a great disaster, we don't get concerned . May be if these changes are not made, this may happen, though we never wish it should happen. WE are making community oriented doctors not scientists Hon, Prime Mininster Skeikh Hasina.s Concept and vision is to be fulfilled by need based community oriented such type of doctors. Many doctors who need to be scientists else where in the world or are capable to be scientists move in that way and this two become confluent. switch over to the line .Medical Research is a separate issue which is not the subject in this discussion..Learning is so individual and personal . No body can a drive an inwillling deer to go to river side but can not let that to drink water.Another thing is unless GP-Referral system is introduced there will huge load of patients for a doctor and this will continue and unless the quality doctors are produced the relationship between doctor and patient will continue to be not being better.

Dr. Subhagata Choudhury
Prominent Writer, physician of the subcontinent

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