Ameen Qudir

2019-02-14 00:51:16 BdST

Why Dhaka is Not a Walkable city?

Professor Dr. Subhagata Choudhury

Why Dhaka is Not a Walkable city?
Footpaths are discontinuous
interrupted by vendors, Chawallahs,illegally stowed building construction materials,overflowing dumpsters,abrupt open drains, Motorbikes running in footpath
city,s rancid smell,pervasive lack of cleanliness,tyranny of spitting , open air micturating below the lamp posts,Polluted air(there should be an anthropological study why people here spit so continuously)
Overcrowded footpaths,full of Pedestrians, Hawkers,shoppers, transit passengers,beggars, street urchins, pickpockets,Transgenders,
stressful street life,unending stream of people,unexpected closure of streets, speeding cars, menacing buses and trucks with their deafening honking.lack of pedestrian safety and signals
Dhaka Walk is inhospitable to women
Confusing traffic signals with both auto and manual though only manual is operative and the auto is there with no function.


Professor Dr. Subhagata Choudhury

Prominent Writer, physician of the subcontinent

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